US, Chinese Ships Face Off In The South China Sea
The U.S. and China have come face-to-face once again on the issue of the South China Sea. Tensions between the two countries are rising as a result of Washington’s decision to deploy a U.S. Navy warship to a region that Beijing insists is a part of …
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PseudoScience vs Religion — Why Religious Kids aren’t Less Altruistic
More recently the whole “global warming”…er “climate change” fiasco has been nothing more than a way to put a shine on the snake oil of socialism and rule by the “more intelligent” rather than the people. The first major problem … Because the …
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Splinterlands: The View From 2050
(We used to joke that we were the only historians with true 2020 hindsight). Now, my profession is …. Rather, it proceeded much like the calving of Arctic ice masses under the pressure of global warming, leaving behind only a herd of modest ice floes.
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